Tuesday, 8 November 2011

ASE 15 Upgrade STEPS with DUMP/LOAD

1. Login to existing 12.5 server and Unpartition all the partition tables (if any)

2. Lock all logins & take backup of all user databases and master and model databases etc.

3. Take BCP out of following System Tables from master database
a. sysusers
b. sysprotects
c. sysalternates
d. syslogins
e. sysloginroles
f. sysdevices
g. sysdatabases
h. sysusages

4. Take BCP out of following system tables from each user database
a. sysusers
b. sysprotects
c. sysalternates

6. If possible, have SA increase allocated memory to sybase (update /etc/project file).

7. Have SA create a new file system and have him install wrap ase1503a.

8. Have SA allocate Raw device for master device, sybsystemprocs device and tempdb device

9. Have SA allocate free devices for user databases to be created.

10. Copy 12.5.4 cfg file to ASE 15.0 cfg file

11. Modify this CFG file, Increase procedure cache and default data cache 4 – 5 times.

12. Build new DataServer and Backup Server & all databases  (Command – srvbuildres –r <resource file>)

13. Modify .profile for sybase to set ASE 15 environment variables

14. Generate License file from https://sybase.subscribenet.com/and copy it to $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/

15. Following are the steps to generate license file

a. Login to https://sybase.subscribenet.com/
b. Choose approprite option
c. From Product list choose Adaptive Server Enterprise
d. Choose ASE Enterprise Edition
e. Click on link for the version you have installed ASE Enterprise Edition 15.0.3 for Sun Solaris
x64 - 64bit
f. Read license agreement for your region and click on ‘I Accept’.
g. Click on License Keys
h. Choose the radio button, which is left of license type, scroll down and click on select to
i. In license model choose un-served license, click next.
j. In license quantity enter 1, click next
k. Enter hostid, hostname and quantity (Number of engines), Click on Generate.

17 .  load all the databases & bcp in the table.
18. run the consistency check for any error and correct it
19 Ask application team to do checkout
20. Shutdown ASE 12.5 server.

1 comment:

  1. Specific SQL issues in upgradation :-

    General link for migration issues (and is not particularly "normalised"):-
